Our campaign is based on the thought ‘Everyone deserves a break’ (where ‘break’ means equal opportunity and fair treatment).
It's a robust vehicle which proves a commitment to sustainability by demonstrating how you tackle child labour, improve education, increase access to water and sanitation and promote gender equality around the world.
Whilst echoing the brand-consumer strategy it also provides an excellent gateway into the Nestlé Cocoa Plan via a simple, intuitive and seamless customer journey.
We bring this to life via an app that initially creates an involving experiential sequence followed by deeper level exploration into rich project information and further customer involvement via social media.
The aim is to create both intellectual and emotional engagement using the prompt ‘Give someone a break’; we encourage customers to share the experience with friends and new audiences.
We will advertise the app and campaign through social media.

A great showcase for all our team's hard work and efforts. Well done! Onwards and upwards, Better luck next time.